Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Why I suck at blogging these days...

I'm blaming it on the sun.
And then the rain.
It all started when we had a super sunny week and Sage and I spent HOURS outside everyday. Well, on the 5th or 6th day in a row I got a sunburn and then I started to worry that Sage might get a sunburn and since skin cancer=bad, bad, bad we stayed inside for a couple days. Those days were pretty dull and I didn't get any photos.
And now it's a rainy week so we're still inside.

Another reason I haven't been blogging is because I've decided to redo our bedroom so I've been sewing!
I found this photo online and I think I like the colors. I was planning on buying us a new bedspread anyhow so I'll prob get a white one like the photo and our bedframe is black like the one in the photo. I think I can make it work:

So, I've been buying fabric and making pillows.
Dana has already threatened my life if I paint our end tables yellow.
I'm going to do it anyway.
I'm not scared of him :-)

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