Sunday, December 4, 2011

Catching up

I thought about turning this into a few posts-since my photos are going to be random and varied. But then I thought, "Nah, that's a lot of clicking buttons..." My brains tends to run in a random and varied pattern these days so it stands to reason that blog posts shall follow along.

We signed up for the Disney Movie Club a while back-one of those deals where you get something like 6 free Disney movies if you commit to buying 4 full-priced movies within the next two years. I figured it was a good deal-and Sage is a great excuse to buy princess movies! Anyhow, each movie comes with a special code for Disney Reward Points-so then you register for the Disney Reward Points site so you can redeem your points. Since we got sooo many movies all at once (and then I went through all the Disney movies we had already purchased in the past) we had a ton of Reward Points. I used them to get Sage this cool Winnie the Pooh pillow pet. It's a small one but it fits perfectly with her in her crib. She's become quite attached. I realize that you really can't see too much of Sage in these photos but it shows you how she likes to keep Pooh with her when she's relaxing.
Aw man! As I was putting that photo up I saw the tiny corner of a pink paci in the couch cushions! I've been looking for that thing...I should blog more often...

During one of the Christmas festivals in town we had a family photo taken. I think we look weird. The set-up was made by the local highschool students who participate in the Career Center program. They took the time to constuct a sleigh to take photos in but then cut out half the sleigh...

And last but not least-today we went to a Christmas parade. I got a few shots of us standing on the side of the road waiting for the parade to start and then a shot of the lead group and then the camera batteries died.

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