Sunday, April 18, 2010

Weekly Update

How far along? 36 weeks!
Total weight gain/loss: I had gained 4lbs at my last appointment and no I'm not going to add all that up and give you a grand total-because it will make me cry. Big, fat baby tears :-)
Maternity clothes? At this point I'm wearing any clothes (Dana's included) that can fit! Thank goodness I only have 2 more days of work because I seriously cannot think of too much I have left that will look appropriate at work
Stretch marks? Thankfully, the beginnings of that little one that sprung up two weeks ago are still just a tiny beginning of a stretch mark. I has not grown and it has yet to invite it's friends to the party-let's hope it stays that way shall we?
Sleep: I know I said it was bad last week but this week it's worse, much worse. I've been sleeping pretty good for the first half of the night but usually wake up around 1-3am and don't get too much after that. I've been getting up to lay on the couch a lot recently and I think I might have to make that a semi-permanent solution. Seems to be the only place I can get comfy.
Best moment this week: The weather has been GREAT! I've got to spend a lot of time sitting at on our outdoor furniture soaking up the Vitamin D!
Woes:  I'm tired-and it's making me grouchy. Not good.
Movement: She has definitely been moving a lot this week-not sure why. Maybe she's going through a growth spurt. Or maybe it's because she's getting so big that it's hard to miss even the smallest movement. I've also been having a lot of dreams about her moving-which makes me think that she's moving a lot at night and I'm incorporating it into my dreams.
Food cravings: None
Gender: GIRL!
Labor Signs: None-but don't think I haven't tried to find some! I've been asking everyone who might have the slightest idea how to go about speeding this process up. No one has told me how yet-starting to think that I might just have to wait it out. Boo!
Belly Button in or out? Still flat!
What I miss: Waking up and feeling rested :-)
What I am looking forward to: My newest niece is to be born sometime soon and I CAN'T WAIT to see her! I'm completely bummed that I won't be able to go to GA and visit.
Milestones: I've gotten to the point where I'll be having weekly doctor visits.

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